
   PRESENTED BY THE DOMESDAY BOOK OF DOGS The Gelli. Gelly hound.  Jelly hound.   The Gelli (or Gelly) Hounds were a very old strain of hound that were used for fox hunting in the Gelly area of Pembrokeshire. There were still a few couple of the hounds extant in the area in the late nineteenth century, and Rawdon Briggs Lee (1897)  also suggests that the black and tan Pentyrch Foxhounds “ originally came from the Gelly. ”  There were of course other foxhounds in Wales in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, referred to as Welsh hounds, which were described as markedly different from the Gelli, probably because of their different origins, yet at other times the Welsh hound and the Glog foxhounds (Lady Aspley,1936) get a mention as supposedly being the main recipients of the Gelli blood. There is also a claim that what remained of the Gelli hounds were later governed by a committee under the mastership of Mr. Jenkin Jenkins and during the early part ...